Marine Biology

Since its opening in 1978, Coral World has focused on bringing visitors up-close to the marine environment that surrounds the beautiful US Virgin Islands while sharing knowledge about the local eco-systems. Inspired by the words of Baba Dioum, 1968 – “In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.”

Over the years our focus has shifted from local to global and the role each of us play in maintaining balanced eco-systems near and far. Recently, Coral World has adopted the “Ocean Literacy Campaign” 7 principles as the basis for its educational messaging throughout its exhibits and interactive activities. At Coral World, we offer experiential learning opportunities for our guests through personal, interactive programs with our ambassador animals. We are dedicated to the welfare of all the animals in our care and strive to provide stimulating experiences for our animals while creating profound connections for our guests. Ambassador animals are powerful catalysts for guest education that is crucial to our conservation mission.